Mantequilla de anacardo orgánica cruda - Balde de 8 lb

Del sol a la planta al cuerpo™

¿Realmente amas nuestra mantequilla de anacardo? Mantenlo EXTRA con un cubo a granel de 8 lb. ¡Nunca temas quedarte sin dinero rápidamente! Ideal para hornear, tazones para batidos o directamente en una cuchara.
Nuestra mantequilla de anacardo ultra cremosa está certificada como R.A.W. con Clean Food Certified para garantizar que obtenga un producto mínimamente procesado que retenga una cantidad valiosa de micronutrientes.

Te encantará el verdadero sabor de los anacardos crudos aquí, ¡sin otros ingredientes! ¡Sin aceite de palma! Solo anacardos orgánicos en forma súper untable y para picar.

Ingrediente: Anacardos Orgánicos Crudos


Customer Reviews

Based on 10 reviews
Love Artisana cashew butter!

Ever since I discovered it, I moved up from small jars to now this big pail. My kids and I eat it over a period of 2-3 months and scoop it into small jars, and it stays fresh very well. Amazing deal for the quantity

Alan H.
Great Tasting...and A Lot of It!

What could be better than an 8 lb. tub of Artisana organic cashew butter? Silly question: a 10 lb. tub, of course! Great service and great food from Artisana!

Jordana Snider
Cashew Butter Bliss

Your cashew butter is so pure and exquisite! I now order it in the 8 pound pail to always have plenty of healthy goodness!

HI Jordana,
We are so happy you love our cashew butter and buy 8lb tubs now! That is amazing.

Rebecca Pozin
Love this cashew butter

This creamy, sweet euphoria is a staple in our smoothies at home. So glad they make it!

Mitch Hager
Excellent Raw Organic Cashew Butter

Well have switched to a raw vegan diet and use different butters for various recipes and started buying this from Artisana locally by the jar so decided to upgrade and save money by buying in bulk. It’s an excellent product and less oily than other products we’ve tried. Even if you aren’t raw vegan, it’s so delicious! It is so much better than any other popular peanut butter we’ve tried.

Thank you Mitch! We are so happy to read this. We try to keep our standards high and of the best quality. Thank you for your appreciation!