Raw Organic Pecan Butter with Cashews

Certification logos for: USDA Organic, Whole30 Approved, NON GMO, R.A.W., CLEAN
A sweet potato split on a plate and stuffed with fruit and granola.

Recipe Inspiration: Breakfast Sweet Potato Split

Del sol a la planta al cuerpo™

Mezclamos nueces orgánicas sin tostar con nuestros anacardos crudos para hacer una mezcla de mantequilla de nueces dulce, con trozos y untable que captura el sabor de los huertos de nueces de Georgia.

Este producto es CRUDO. con Certificación de Alimentos Limpios asegúrese de obtener un producto mínimamente procesado que retenga una cantidad valiosa de micronutrientes.

Mezclamos nuestras nueces con anacardos para crear una delicia más suave y untable. ¡Solo dos ingredientes, todos orgánicos! Sin azúcar añadido, sin aceite de palma y sin sal añadida.

Hecho en maquinaria que procesa una variedad de nueces y semillas de árboles, pero no procesa maní, gluten, lácteos o soya.

Ingredientes: Nueces orgánicas crudas, anacardos orgánicos crudos.

Resumen nutricional
Tamaño de la porción 2 cdas. (32g)

200 0 mg 2g 2g 4g
calorías Sodio Azúcar Fibra dietética Proteína

Customer Reviews

Based on 26 reviews
Jayne Clark

My second favorite

Sherrie McGraw
Pecan and cashew butter

It was exactly as described and came in good shape

Charmaine Calhoun
Loved it!

Absolutely loved this and ate it too fast!

Nancy Peng
Better than any common gourmet brand!

I’m a health nut and have tried all the fancy nut butters at gourmet stores, including their freshly ground by the store versions. Artisana is different. The moment you open the jar you can smell the freshness, and when you taste it, it just tastes like the integrity of the nut hasn’t been lost in grinding and packing and shipping. Most importantly, my digestion has never been better unlike with other brands. Artisana must use real top quality nuts! Thank you so much, don’t stop doing what you’re doing!

Raw pecan butter

Delicious & fresh. I do wish there were an option for 100% pecan nutbutter as well as this cashew blend, which in itself is lovely.
Thank you.